Asgards Pass

Asgards Pass

Friday, August 15, 2014

Overcoming with Trust

Regardless of the fact that we might already know it, very often we forget that the obstacles and the trials in our lives are allowed by God. If we lose focus in knowing that our heavenly Father is truly in control, then we lose our faith and we are just as hopeless as the ones who do not know the Lord. If others can look at us and see an evident trust in our Father above, then they too will desire to be children of the Almighty.

An earthly father will not suffer his child to go into peril, but he will allow his child to experience just enough pain in order to become more resistant to the harsh realities of life; even more so, our heavenly Father would not let us pass though trials that are greater than our power to overcome them.

And when the world sees the enthusiasm of trust in the midst of our trials, they will admire and ask how is it that we are able to overcome such great obstacles when others fail to do so: our trust, our faith is our testimony as children of the most High.

Have faith in the Lord, and you will witness that even the greatest obstacles can be overcome through Him.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

If You Lost your Life...

In life there are many problems that we come to face, yet we are not to be discouraged by them. All we have to do is to trust on Jesus to see us through the tough times, and many times we need to prove our trust in Him by taking the first steps on the water like Peter did, and even so much prove it that we even be as Jesus exemplified in John 11, thanking our heavenly Father for answering our prayers even before we see any results.

For us, life and its obstacles are a great unknown, but our Savior is out on the water calling us. At first it is a very hard thing to let Him take control of your life and to trust Him with it. For a person that has just come out of the dark into the light, it is a great disturbance and discomfort to his eye, but the the longer he stays in the light, the more he sees the beauty and the glory of the light that surrounds him.

It is the same way for one to give up his life and his plans for Christ. At first it may be scary, especially if there are many plans for the future, and it is a disturbing and uncomforting thought to give it all away to Christ, but the more Christ has control of your life, the more you came to see the beauty and the goodness that comes out of sacrificing oneself for Him who sacrificed himself for you.

Since life is full of storms on the sea, it would be much, much safer to be with the One who can walk on water  rather than be in the ship that is batter by the storm and is sinkable. "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it" [Luke 17:33]

Friday, August 8, 2014

Strange Fire

[Leviticus 10]

God gave clear instructions to Moses, Arron, an the children of Israel how to come before Him in worship and thanksgiving and also how to repent from sin by bringing sacrifices to the altar. 

The two sons of Arron the High Priest "took either of the his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord"(v.1). They came before God and worshiped Him, which in itself is not an evil thing, by they came in a way that He never commanded them. The reason that the fire was named as "strange" is due to the fact that it was foreign and not a part of the styles of worship that the Lord instructed them with. 

Many times we will hear people and even preachers say that we can come worship God just as we are and in our own way, or they will advocate for a method of worship that they practice. It is a sin and is not permitted for there to be worship to God in any other way than in what way God wants and desires to be worshiped.

The sons of Arron, for doing as they pleased, "died before the Lord"(v.2). It is a must, to know the Scriptures so that there may be no unknown sins in our lives and the way that we present ourselves before the Almighty, yet if there is deviation from his Word, then by the grace of God there is still the chance to go back to the Bible.

Atonement for Blemished Sacrifice

[Leviticus 1-4]

Regardless of whether one is rich or poor, whether one has the world or nothing at all, his sacrifice is well accepted by the Lord as a sweet savor. The only requirement that exist is that the sacrifice we bring be brought in the manner that the Lord asks of us.

The sacrifices that we bring before his feet is our heart and our lives. All He ask is that we bring ourselves as living sacrifices in a state that is pure and cleansed. We cannot bring our sacrifices before the Lord the way that we want to but in a way that pleases Him.

If there is sin in our lives or the slightest doubt of error in our hearts we must cleanse ourselves in the blood of the ultimate sacrifice which is Jesus, the Lamb of God. Because we cannot bring ourselves as sacrifices blemished by sin, we need must be atoned by an unblemished sacrifice and that is only the one of Jesus Christ. To have him cover our sin with his perfection is simply to ask him, and believe that He will do so.